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What It Really Means To Be Chic
“There are two complementary parts to chic in a man. One is based on character; the other is related to his clothes” — Umit Benan.
Like many of you, my definition of chic was solely based on the way a person dressed.
But, after reading a Vogue Hommes magazine in which several designers were interviewed, my perception of what chic was changed.
I had learned that being a chic man did not just pertain to the clothes he wore but that chic also had to do with his character.
In essence being chic is to have a personal style; something that some are constantly in search of but can’t quite seem to get a hold of it.
The good news, it isn’t out of reach. It doesn’t have a price tag nor does it only being to a high class. Chic is something the average man can attain.
Chic belongs to the old. Chic belongs to the young. Chic belongs to the filthy rich one percent and the dirt poor college undergrads and even post grads.
Chic is something we all can be, and I’m here writing this article to show you how.
Chic in the way you act
“An effortless style. But it’s not about what you’re wearing, it’s how you hold yourself and how you behave; it’s about style in everything you do…Chic is a way of being” — Ben Cobb
Chic is not just about clothes but about character. It’s about your whole being as a person.
Being elegant or sophisticated (the definitions of chic) aren’t adjectives placed on clothing. They are meant to describe the person wearing them. So how can the clothes be elegant or sophisticated if the person wearing them is not?
To be chic first begins with character.
Tom Ford said something that really got me thinking;
“Chic is how you treat people”
Yes, part of our character depends on how we interact with others. You can’t say you’re a gentleman if you never give up your seat for…